So, you're bored too huh? What are we going to do with ourselves? We could sit on the couch and eat ice cream like little fatties. We could watch 'Grey's Anatomy' on Netflix from season one all the way until we get to the crappy musical episode. OR, for at least a few minutes every week, we can kill time by doing a fun, super random, time killing activity that we can share with each other via the interwebs. Oh, oh...let's do that last thing.
1) It's summer, and I find myself with too much free time on my hands.
2) I've already seen every single episode of Boy Meets World, The Office, and Glee.
3) If I creep on anymore people on Facebook that I haven't seen since high school, I'm going to feel more pathetic than if I trick myself into thinking I'm productive by writing this blog.
So, each week I'm going to find some completely aimless activity/project/thing to do, and then I will post my results upon completion the following week.
So feel free to join me and make your lives a little less boring. Or just read along and laugh at my dumb ideas. Or don't do either of these things, and be a boring loser. Your call.
Make a sock puppet version of a celebrity of your choice
do it.